Key & Heal

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How to track two buffs with the same name (Echo)

Sometimes, for example if you play Preservation Evoker, you will need to track two different versions of the same spell, say Dream Breath and the echo version. The problem is that these two Hots have the same exact name, and Grid2 matches the debuffs by their name in general. However, they do NOT have the same spell ID, and you can ask Grid2 to track a Buff specifically by spell ID to make sure it recognizes it as different. Let's see how!


Enter /grid2 in your chat



Navigate to Statuses > Buffs and create a new Buff, but you will prefix the name, by entering whichever text you prefer and then use a separator that can be @, #, or >. Then add the spell ID of the new debuff you want to track (the Echo Reversion on the picture) before clicking Okay and Create



Navigate to the Buff you created and check Track by SpellId. Add it to the indicators you would like and that is it!


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Thanks to Safio for the Icons - Tooltips are a courtesy of Wowhead