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How to create a list of important debuffs

There are some debuffs that you will want to highlight, because they are hitting really hard, require you to do something specific, or anything else really, but you want to know the instant they are on someone. You will want to create an indicator that's flashy enough (a glow, blinking border, colored frames or anything else you have in mind) but then how do you create a simple status to attach to the indicator with all these nasty debuffs ? and how do you maintain it easily? This is what we are going to learn how to do here.


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Navigate to Statuses > Debuffs, then select Debuffs as the type and give it the name you prefer. This is where you will store these important debuffs you want to track. Here I call it Important Debuffs. Then click Okay and Create.



Navigate to the debuffs group you have created and check Whitelist in General > Display. What this tells Grid2 is that you will not require any smart filtering or anything, you will just provide the precise list of debuffs this group should have. You will notice it also created the Whitelist Tab



Now we will want to find a Debuff to highlight from your Raid Debuffs. Let's navigate to Raid Debuffs and find the Debuff we want to track, here we are looking at Feed on the Weak from Xavius, a savage channel onto a random player. Hover on the debuff in the list and note the spell ID, here 200238.

As a side note, if the Debuff you want to highlight is not yet in Raid Debuffs, start by adding it to Raid Debuffs.



Now head back to your Debuffs group > Whitelist and copy the spell ID on a new line and then click Accept. That's the only thing you need to do to maintain your list of important debuffs!



As a bonus here, let's see how we can create a shiny red border for our debuffs group. First, navigate to Indicators and enter the name of your new indicator, here ShinyRedGlow. Select glowborder as the type and click Okay and Create.



Navigate to your new indicator and check your Debuffs group in Statuses.



Now go to Layout and select Shine as the Glow Effect.



By default, a debuffs group color is red, but you can also change this. Navigate to your Debuffs group, and change the Color under General, here I selected a yellow. Now the only thing you will need to do when you meet a new debuff you want to see highlighted is to repeat step 3 and 4, enjoy!


© 2023 Bubu

Thanks to Safio for the Icons - Tooltips are a courtesy of Wowhead