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The Throne of the Tides is returning from Cataclysm in season 3. It has been revamped quite a bit and should be an interesting challenge, with various mechanics and some interesting bosses.
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I recommend that your group has access to the following dispels:
CursePoisonDiseaseMovementMassDispelPurgeSootheYou should make sure to pick Improved Detox
It is actually pretty long to get to the first boss, and there are a few different rooms. Let's go through them all!
The core enemies that you will meet on your way towards Lady Naz'jar will already be here.
The Naz'jar invaders will mostly hit the tank with Thrash and buff their speed with Slithering Assault, which makes them hard to kite. It can be soothed if the tank really needs to kite.
And the Vicious Snap Dragons are likely to make the tank want to kite. Their melee can inflict the absurd bleed Razor Jaws, which will stack and do tremendous damage. Do what you can to help control and kill them. They will also fixate on random targets with Ravenous Pursuit. These mobs are easily among the hardest in the season 3 dungeon pool, at the current tuning, respect them, and use your AOE CC.
The Naz'jar oracle will spam Water Bolt, and have 2 important casts that shamans know well: Hex and Healing Wave. Both should be stopped.
Finally, the Naz'jar Sentinel have another Tank Buster Shellbreaker that can really cause problems if any Snap Dragons are around. And they have Crushing Depths. It is not interruptible, stoppable or dispellable, and puts a DOT on someone as well as a massive heal absorb. Be ready to use your best Single Target Healing Tools.
As a summary:
An absolute menace. There is no way around it, you will need massive Single Target healing
You will find here some more Snap Dragons as well as a new Enemy, the Naz'jar Ravager. They have a massive frontal Acid Barrage, and will drop big pools with Volatile Acid. The main issue these mobs create are the movement they force, which can break your control on other mobs.
This is a Gauntlet where Deep Murloc Drudge will keep spawning. Their Leaping Thrash will force you to stay spread to avoid getting cleaved.
Naz'jar Tempest Witch is a new caster that will spam Lightning Bolt, and also add Lightning Surge, which again, will force you to stay spread.
Neptulon's Rise room is filled with a mixup of all the previous mobs. What will make this room go wrong is the patrol of Snap Dragons that you should be very careful about. Be ready to control them if they get engaged at any point!
SoothingMist and LifeCocoon should really help with Crushing Depths, to the point that you should be rather comfortable here. If it is on yourself, use Expel Harm!
You lack great solutions for Razor Jaws, so your best bet is perhaps to control the Vicious Snap Dragon with LegSweep and RingOfPeace
Lady Naz'jar is a fight where the intermission is the main challenge as things can get hectic very fast.
Lady Naz'jar will cast Focused Tempest by salvos of three and it creates spot damage on two players (1 main and 1 rebound). This is the main challenge and can be hard to predict. There are a few tips however, that Tettles explains in his video below. I expect the LOS trick to be hotfixed eventually, but baiting the rebound to your tank will always be valid.
The main phase will last until Lady Naz'jar reaches 60% or 30% HP. Focused tempest will hit 2 targets 3 times in a row, and can create dangerous situations, a bit like the first boss of Freehold would. Make sure to top off the target of Shock Blast before they get damage and this should be an easy phase.
The High Tide phase will last until all the mobs are dead. There are 8 Murlocs, 2 Naga Witches and 1 Naga Guard. Watch the guard to avoid their frontal. There will be a lot of random damage during this phase, but there is no DOT. So take your time, and be very careful not to die to a swirly.
Tips coming soon, dont hesitate to suggest yours!
Commander Ulthok is a race against the clock. Staying ahead of movement is key here to be able to produce your healing when needed.
The damage pattern is very straightforward and revolves around Festering Shockwave on a 30-32 seconds loop. It should not be too hard as long as you do not get pushed in puddles.
One very important thing to notice here is that it was possible to LOS the Festering Shockwave damage on PTR. It seems likely that this will get fixed however, so we will consider this unavoidable for our purpose.
Tips coming soon, dont hesitate to suggest yours!
This trash will have you move quite a bit but is overall not too dangerous.
The Minions of Ghur'sha will spam Psionic Pulse, which you should use some AOE CC on to reduce the incoming damage until they are dead.
The Faceless Seers cast Mind Flay, an interruptible channel that does Single Target damage. As the only interruptible cast, the group should try to get as many as possible! They also cast Null Blast, a dark laser to dodge!
Finally the Faceless Watchers have a tank buster Crush as well as the combo Clenching Tentacles into Shadow Smash. Just get away asap and you should have no problem there.
Tips coming soon, dont hesitate to suggest yours!
This is 2-phase encounter where you will fight a mind-controlled shaman until they reach 25% HP and expulse the mindbender which you will then fight.
The pattern will change drastically between the two phases, as you first face the shaman being controlled, before you "free" them and find the mindbender.
You will start by facing a shaman. They mostly hit the tank very hard while their Stormflurry Totem is up, and cast Flame Shock on random target that you should dispel, it will sometimes be faster than your dispel cooldown, which creates some tension. Be ready to cover with externals if needed.
Now it is important to add that both the damage on the tank while the Stormflurry Totem is up and the Flame Shock damage are absurd, and you should absolutely rotate your cooldowns to stay ahead of the damage.
Now fighting the mindbender, you will have lots to heal with Mind Rot. Be very careful to stay close to a pillar to LOS Terrifying Vision.
In this gauntlet, Unstable Corruptions will keep spawning in the same spots, so that you cannot really backtrack. They simply melee until they die and each will add a stack of Wave of Corruption, which can become really dangerous if they get too high.
Then come the Gigoblin Aquamages and Gigoblin Hunters. The mages will cast Aquablast from time to time, which is an important interrupt, it does a lot of single-target damage. The Hunters are the standard "jump away" mobs with stoppable casts, Poisoned Spear on the tank and Throw Spear on random targets. Poisoned Spear is a poison, that will do Nature Damage, which means that it will mesh pretty poorly with Wave of Corruption, keep an eye on your tank there.
The last mobs are the Tainted Sentries, which will cast Swell, a pulse AOE spell. If it comes at a wrong time with many Wave of Corruption stacks, it can put the group in danger.
Unstable Corruption apply it on death. The Nature damage amp makes it dangerous for your tank with Poisoned Spear, Dispel them
Another fight with 2 phases, although P2 is more RP than a real challenge. P1 however is pretty tricky and go sideways really quickly.
Most of the fight is about P1. You will transition when the Ink of Ozumat is dead.
This is a tough phase to heal. You will need to move a lot to place puddles, dodge swirlies and make sure you get adds close to the tank while healing Putrid Roar. Once you have the movement locked in, it will become much easier. Will remain the random damage from the adds if their Ink Blast are not interrupted.
The fight follows a pretty consistent 30 seconds loop, which is pretty fast considering the avalanche of movement and damage to handle. Having a consistent plan for your cooldowns will go a long way to not feel overwhelmed!
This is a simple Rot with big damage and healing amp phase, nothing much to say here, pump!
Fights like this one hurt your uptime on the boss, which is always tough for you. Try to get out of Blotting Barrage as fast as possible using Roll or even Transcendance every 2 loops.
You can then alternate SG and Chiji to get everybody ready for Putrid Roar and Deluge of Filth. At this point, you can simply help control and positino the adds with LegSweep and RingOfPeace, and spin to win, AWakenedFaeline should be enough healing.
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Thanks to Safio for the Icons - Tooltips are a courtesy of Wowhead