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The first half of the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon. It is filled with healer bosses, be ready to have an impact in this key!
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I recommend that your group has access to the following dispels:
MassDispelMovementBleedYou can talent off Improved Detox, You will not need it.
Manifested Timeways Helper
This will highlight your frames when the player is safe to dispel (in the speed zone). It really reduces the amount of thinking needed to handle Chrono-faded.
The first area is already pretty challenging, with multiple mechanics and overlaps that can prove deadly!
There are 3 types of enemies in this first area, and each of them has a lethal ability. The Epoch Ripers, despite their size, are probably the least dangerous, as their Timerip leap creates a very obvious dead zone, that should never do more than 1 tick (although people have had naps at the worst times). In combination with the Chronoweavers, it gets already more dangerous, as their Chronomelt channel may put someone low enough that they get instant by Timerip. They should be interrupted, or alternatively, dispelled from your teammate! Finally, the Timeslicers will pressure your tank, they phase for 8 seconds and start stacking a magic debuff Temposlice that is extremely dangerous. Consider CCing them and dispelling a few seconds into their sequence to keep the stacks from getting too high!
You can dispel Chronomelt with TigersLust, which is a big win. Think of using LegSweep on the Infinite Infinite Timeslicer when they use Temposlice to reduce the damage they will put on the tank.
A pretty simple fight to start with that is not a strong healing check. You will need to be mobile however, and be proactive about the solo soak, save your DPS uptime.
Chronikar damage pattern is pretty lenient if the movement is mastered. The Tank Buster Chronoshear creates a Healing Absorb on the tank and as such, you should rotate your cooldown to keep them up. Only once it is fully healed will you be able to dispel Sheared Lifespan. This is a very rough combo on the tank.
Otherwise, unless someone decides to take a nap in the puddles, you should be fine, If an Eon Residue is not soaked, there is nothing you can do to save the group.
Will cause the targets to drop a Withering Sandpool. That will cause them to take some burst damage while they get out of them.
The biggest danger being Chronoshear, you will want to alternate your cooldown on its 50-sec pattern. The best here is to rotate Chi-ji and Life Cocoon for the best Single Target throughput you can muster. Other than that, abuse your mobility, in particular think of Transcendence to reposition and maximize your uptime.
A messy room, particularly deadly that should be the terror of early PUG groups
This room is so very confusing but we will try to make sense of it! Let's start with the least important mobs. The Temporal Deviations do some tank damage with Double Strike. The Timestream Leeches (looks like a golden mini Underrot second boss) cast Enervate on Ranged, which will hit really really hard and should be interrupted before it starts (or CCed after!). The Coalesced Moments (like a mini-mini-Manifested Timeways) will cast Infinite Bolt, which is about the only cast you can ignore in this room, and Tainted Sands, which will leave a nasty Debuff on a random target.
In general it is best to avoid pulling a Timestream Anomaly and a Coalesced Time at the same time to avoid having Bloom and Chronoburst overlap.
Here is the summary:
The Anomalies will force more movement with their random frontal and you need to dispel their Bloom before it snowballs in damage. That's the priority dispel as soon as they are in the fight. It is applied to the tank first and then spreads to another team member, dispel them!
An important tip is that you can prevent the application of Bloom by applying a shield of any sort on your tank right before it is cast! This is a really helpful tip, as the debuff will tick really hard on the tank in high keys.
They can be forgotten in the mess that is this room, but their Triple Strike can terminate a tank with a big big burst of magic damage. A good use of a CC.
Last but not least, those are the bigger ones that look like the boss. Infinite Bolt Volley is a mandatory interrupt, it will simply wipe the group at higher key level. Then Chronoburst will create those very big circles that do big dam when they explode, and activate all the little intervals in the circle, which will instantly aggro. Run to your tank to help them get aggro.
Help focusing and lock them down, you will save yourself a lot of trouble.
An interesting boss that combines medium rot damage with a lot of movement and execution as well. Expect this boss to be tough in high Tyrannical keys! 100% a healer check. Remember to always move to your right!
The first aspect is heavy rot from Accelerating Time and Decaying Time. It means that you will need to be on top of your maintenance healing. Then the biggest mechanic to manage is a double dispel with Chrono-faded every 30 seconds.
This is quite heavy DOT on 2 people, that you can dispel and will result in a wave (Chronofade) that damages everyone.
You will want to dispel your friends when they are in the fast/clear zone, so that the circle progresses fast and everybody only gets one tick of the damage. Usually the way to go is to dispell one asap, heal the damage, and dispel the second (more likely let it fade). This is genuinely a hard boss to heal, and it might receive some nerfs to this burst damage.
Little time bullets that go slower in the decaying zone. You will want to sneak between the waves that go at different speed.
Be very careful of the bullets. You will want to alternate Chi-ji and SG to take care of Chrono-faded. Be very careful not to use Revival when 2 debuffs are out. You will have a TFT + Enveloping Mist for each Chrono-faded as well. Think of your Life Cocoon to save someone before the second dispel expires. Your maintenance healing should take care of the rot damage. Still, this will not be a pleasant fight.
You will start by a mini-boss fight on the cross bridge before moving to the Galakrond snowy zone
We will review both rooms separately
This big dragon would be called a mini-boss if there were not several of them through DOTI. It does only thing but does it well: Infinite Fury is a 5-sec window of burst damage every 20 seconds. Be ready, it starts on pull and it hits very hard.
The Blight Chunks don't do much, but the Risen Dragon will pulse Rot damage while it is alive, and it is a lot of rot damage. Careful with the Blight Spew swirly, it is a stun, that would cause a wipe if you get stunned with all this damage going on!
Blight of Galakrond is a 3-phases boss, with the major healing challenge being in the second phase.
Each phase has a very different feel, it almost feels more like a raid boss. The Corrosion Mechanic always stays however. Be ready to support a non-tank player that gets stuck with it for more than a few seconds. It ticks extremely hard
The boss creates pools on the ground. Do not stay in them. Be careful as you move to not be aligned with the tank.
The biggest risk in this phase is people getting in a bad position, which you cannot do much about unfortunately.
The boss creates pools on the ground. Do not stay in them. Be careful as you move to not be aligned with the tank.
This is the real challenge of the fight. Necrotic Winds does strong burst damage and will force you to move to avoid the tornadoes, which makes long casts and channels impractical
Phase 3 is not extremely complicated but can turn quickly into a problem if you fall behind in healing. The Noxious Ejection will create a lot of random damage on your group, expect it to be intense in high Tyranical keys. Just rotate your cooldowns at this point and this should be fine.
As weird as it sounds, the Necrofrost can be feared or disoriented to release your teammate!
It will root the target and be attackable. A movement dispel will let the player move but it will not stop the damage until the add is destroyed.
This is basically going to be a lot of random damage on the group, keeping you on your toes
You will want to be careful of your positioning in P1, your range can put you in dire spots. In P2, the 30 sec cooldown of Necrotic Winds will have you alternate Chi-ji and Sheilun's Gift to cover these events.
In P3, your strong maintenance healing should have you mostly covered, rotating your cooldowns from time to time, but think of Life Cocoon or Thunder Focus Tea + Enveloping Mist to save someone dropping a bit too low.
You will meet the pre-titan aspects in this cave before fighting some last trash before Iridikron.
The only new enemies here are the Iridikon's Creations, which will only have an interruptible cast Stonebolt. It leaves a bleed on the target. The rest of the mobs are from the very first area.
Probably one of the best dungeon boss of all times! It is intense, cinematic, a bit of AOE, the whole package. Tracking Chromie could be complicated depending on your UI, but at the very minimum she will be on your Boss Frames.
Iridikron is divided in 2 phases, an initial loop before a final very fun burn phase
P1 lasts until Iridikron is at 90% HP. It follows a 90 seconds cycle that will be instantly interrupted when the boss reaches the threshold. The cycle is the following.
First, Extinction Blast targets one random player who will have it soaked by Chromie Timeline Protection. This will leave a heavy DOT however on the player. Be prepared for this, it can be surprising.
Shortly after this (~8sec) Stonecracker Barrage will happen on Chromie. Both the group and the tank have a soak to handle (make sure the target of Extinction Blast is going to survive it), that will also leaves Chromie badly injured. You will need to heal the group and Chromie, she definitely needs healing there, and she will not get healed by your common AOE heal. She will give you Timeline Acceleration to help.
Around 10 seconds after the hit, Iridikron will cast Earthsurge, which gives him a shield that pulses AOE damage until it is broken. It also stacks. You will have lots to heal while dodging spikes.
After this, Iridikron casts Pulverizing Exhalation and Pulverizing Creations will be summoned, that's sort of your break here, although ensure you help interrupt their Stonebolt. The cycle will repeat again after this.
During this whole time, your tank will have to handle Crushing Onslaught. It should be fine especially after the nerf, but do keep an eye on them if they reach 4+ stacks.
You will be placed under the effect of Timeline Transcendance. Which means that you have access to unlimited power, which is good, cause you will also have tons to heal to face Cataclysmic Obliteration. It should not be too hard, since you have access to all your cooldowns all the time, with unlimited mana.
You will have Life Cocoon for every Extinction Blast, which should help keep the target high before Stonecracker Barrage. You will want to use Chiji and its ChiCocoons to prepare for Stonecracker Barrage. Be early and try to ramp one EnvelopingBreath before the damage.
When it comes to Earthsurge, there is one neat trick to consider. Chromie receives a healing amplification buff. So you will heal her for much more than usual. Now it is time to use Monk Mistweaver 10.2 Class Set 4pc. The AOE healing from an ending Chi Harmony will also be amped, and land on your teammates. So you can Renewing Mist Chromie to apply Chi Harmony. Dump some heavy Single Target Healing into Chromie and it will heal the whole group when Chi Harmony expires or if you refresh it yourself with another Renewing Mist. This is extremely efficient and makes this part easier for you!
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