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Darkheart Thicket returns for a theme-adequate dungeon in Season 3. Although it is not a complex dungeon, it has some extreme packs that will require practice!
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I recommend that your group has access to the following dispels:
PoisonMovementCurseDiseaseYou should make sure to pick Improved Detox
Trash in the first area is pretty tough, with some really nasty mobs (all beasts here are the real danger).
First, be careful of the various ground effect and the fixate adds. The other mechanic to watch out for is the Propelling Charge from the Crazed Razorbeaks, they will cast before stunning everything in a straight line, dangerous!
The Dreadsoul Ruiners will inflict Nightmare Toxin which is a poison Debuff, but careful as it will explode on dispel, ensure that nobody else is in the circle. The Dreadful Ruiner are the main caster in the area, Check the stacks of Despair they put on the tank and dispel when it gets above 7-8 stacks.
The priority interrupts in this area are Unnerving Screech and Star Shower.
These very mean bears only really do one thing: Maddening Roar every 20 seconds. The issue however is that it leaves a Debuff to do 25% more damage each cast. So it will eventually wipe your group. They also Spew Corruption which summons more Nightmare Abominations who fixate! Expect a lot of skips, especially the wild 2-bear pull before the boss, it is unlikely that you want to fight that.
The cats do two things, they melee your tank pretty hard, and they leap at the ranged, leaving a Grievous debuff (aptly name Grievous Rip). It can quickly turn to an issue when there is other damage going on. Make sure to track this debuff and quickly heal the targets! In particular, if you have only one ranged, the leaps will all go to them..
A RingOfPeace in front of the ranged will stop the Grievous Rip jump from the cats, which will help you a lot.
Archdruid Glaidalis is mostly a mechanical fight, as poor positioning will lead to catastrophes. However, your reaction time will be tested as well, with some very fast healing required!
The pattern in this fight is very inconsistent, and the chaining of the abilities hard to predict. However, the biggest danger once Nightfall is handled properly will be Grievous Leap and the Grievous Tear it leaves on the target, which, as the name indicates, will have you heal them over 90% of their health to be removed. It will always go to the furthest target. You will need to ready and it happens every 15-20 seconds, (it can even go down to 12 seconds, rarely). Do not hesitate to simply rotate your cooldowns to stay ahead of the damage, as Grievous as always will snowball someone to death if you are 1 GCD too late.
This is fight that may have some variance, but you should really focus at first on your positioning. Getting a feel of where Nightfall will be, and keeping your melee uptime will be key to keep a healthy amount of Renewing mists out. Speaking of Renewing Mist, try to apply them initially on your ranged, to apply Chi Harmony and help when they get jumped at by Grievous Leap, it is just good practice. Nightfall should not happen more than twice a minute, so you can rotate Chi-ji and SG around it to make sure to keep people topped for Grievous Leap. Rotating Life Cocoon, TFT + Enveloping Mists and pre-channeling Soothing Mist on the ranged target outside of cooldowns should help you top them back up ASAP to stay clear of the grievous mechanic. At higher level of keys, you may want to sync with their defensive cooldowns as well to alternate with yours.
When it comes to the adds, you are of course blessed with Ring of Peace and Leg Sweep to ensure they do not cause difficulty.
The road to Oakheart is adding some new mobs as well as a foggy room right before the boss
On the road to Oakheart, in addition to returning cats and abomination, there will also be some new adds. Let's start with the Vilethorn Blossoms which will cast Root Burst every 15-20 seconds, keeping you on your toes as you are forced to move around the space, creating the risk of pulling more.
The priority targets are the Rotheart Keeper and the Rotheart Dryad.
The dryads are simply very dangerous. They will spam cast their Throw Spear (uninterruptible) on random targets, creating dangerous spot damage on the group. They will add Poison Spear from time to time, which reduces healing on the target, making it an important Poison Dispel
The last foggy room before the boss features several Nigthmare Dwellers, dangerous casters that take coordination to pull several at a time. Their main ability is Tormenting Eye which channels massive damage on a random target, and fears them if the cast completes (Tormenting Fear). Be ready to quickly react if one goes through, use an External, this will hit hard. Their other ability, Awakening Roots, is less dangerous in comparison and should not raise big issues. This is mostly a coordination check on interrupting all the Tormenting Eye channels
Do not hesitate to dispel Poison Spear, it is a very dangerous debuff. RingOfPeace will be very useful to group up the enemies.
Oakheart is a pretty standard fight, and should not present a hard challenge. It can snowball rapidly if a breath is misdirected or players get rooted at the wrong time.
The fight is mostly cadenced by the sequence Shattered Earth, Nightmare Breath, and Crushing Grip on a 35 seconds loop-ish. It is important to stack up as the roots are spawned to be able to clear them easily. Shattered Earth being a 1-Hit, try to apply some absorbs or DR before to ensure nobody gets 1-shot.
Grasping Vines that will need to be killed if someone gets trapped. Clear them all with a Blessing of Freedom
The main source of damage, Shattered Earth, will be handled with a rotation of Chi-Ji and SG. Other than that, keep on eye on your tank for Crushing Grip, and be ready to help if they look not to have a CD rolling into it. It should not be a fight too threatening overall, think of Tiger's Lust to clear a root quickly.
Also remember that Chi-Ji has a movement impairing immunity component to it, so clear all the roots you can while under the effect!
The corridor to Dresaron is not complicated, but can turn bad quickly if too many Hatespawn Whelpling spawn from breaking the eggs, always watch your positioning.
The Hatespawn slimes do not do much but explode on death to deal AOE damage, be ready for this on higher keys.
They are the real danger here, as their Blood Bomb pushing people away and their charge Blood Assault are designed to have you break eggs. Be very careful, the pressure from the slimes exploding should not keep your attention away from this.
When it dies, it turns into 4 Bloodtainted Bursters, which only ability is Bloodbolt, simply help control them so they don't leech.
Tips coming soon, dont hesitate to suggest yours!
Dresaron is one of those bosses that become much harder with scaling. It will be particularly challenging for the specs that need to cast a lot.
One tip is that the down draft is worse as you get further from the boss, so it is worth pressing W in the first seconds and use your instant to stay close as long as possible and let go to cast your heals a bit later. If you try casting from the beginning, you will 100% end up in the eggs
Dresaron follows a 30 seconds loop, with Down Draft, then Earthshaking Roar and Breath of Corruption. Make sure not to dodge the Falling Rocks on the side of the tank, as Breath of Corruption happens right after.
Start by watching your step, and dodge the Rocks away from the tank. If you put yourself in danger on this fight, you will not help anyone. Channel your Raszageth memories on the pushback, Tiger's Lust works very well, keeping your transcendance by the boss will allow you to keep casting during the push if that's necessary. Other than that, the 30-sec pattern for Earthshaking Roar means you can alternate Chi-ji and Sheilun's Gift, nothing too bad here!
This is a complicated area, which combines weird ground graphic interactions and deadly mobs. It is very important to help control the mobs as much as possible
The Dreadfire Imps simply cast Firebolt at the tank, while the Taintheart Summoners cast Shadow Bolt, again at the tank. This means that your tank will be under a lot of magic damage pressure. But the group will also have lots to handle. The Taintheart Stalkers will Dark Hunt to do spot damage on two random targets. Meanwhile, the Imps will sometimes cast Dread Inferno, and the Summoners will cast Curse of Isolation, both of which are hard to bring out of the group in the cramped zone. Have fun!
The bats can quickly turn a perfectly reasonable situation into a nightmare. First they melee the tank pretty hard, but they also cast their Darksoul Bite, which does magical damage and add a Disease Darksoul Drain leaching health from the target. Do not take these lightly!
Tips coming soon, dont hesitate to suggest yours!
Shade of Xavius is a mechanical boss, with some strong ST healing required. Make sure to secure your positioning, to be able to provide the healing when it is needed.
Xavius is a nasty boss with several single target spells that can kill someone quickly. Tracking your teammates defensives will be essential here. You will want to dispel Festering Rip as it is applied, to prevent things from escalading. The pattern is somewhat irregular, simply know that nothing prevents an ally from being targeted by 2 abilities in a row, so you will want to rotate your Single Target tools for Nightmare Bolt and Feed on the Weak. Be ready with absorbs and DR for Apocalyptic Nightmare. The fight gets gradually more hectic as Apocalyptic Fire creates more and more swirlies, so try to sneak in some good DPS at the beginning of the fight!
Try to keep on eye on the announcements to make sure you start stepping away if you are targeted by the paranoia, or you will get feared instantly and maybe die. Also, the target of the nightmare bolt will get the silence circle, start moving to them to ensure they are not silenced!
Challenging is the first word that comes to mind. You will want to have Chi-ji and its Chi Cocoons for Apocalyptic Nightmare. For the rest, you will have to play around your ST target abilities. Do not make the mistake of holding Life Cocoon, SG and TFT + Enveloping Mist, just rotate them as they come up on the next single target mechanics. Your tiers set Chi Harmony will also be very handy here, and you should use Renewing Mist as soon as you see a cast starting on someone (again, the Weak Auras Targeted Spells is your friend)
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