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What to expect for Week 1 of the season 3?


This is it, Season 3 is about to start, so what should we expect? The dungeon guides should hopefully help you get into it. As healers, most of us will want to get their hands on a Sea Star, a Coagulated Genesaur Blood, or an Echoing Tyrstone. This means you should "convince" your friends to run the Everbloom, Throne of the Tides and DOTI: Murozond's Rise. DPS and Tanks will want to run Waycrest Manor (Disc, you too if you raid), DOTI: Galakrond's Fall, and Atal'Dazar, but maybe next run you know? I hear they are overtuned anyway. Just remember that we are interested in general trinkets in raid, which means we are not getting them any time soon unless we are lucky with our vaults.

When it comes to the challenges of this first week, it will be Fortified, Incorporeal and Sanguine. Sanguine has been nerfed by the way, and will not "stack" pools anymore, a welcome change. Be sure to talent into your CC and Knock/Push talents.

What are the roughest fortified trash packs?

  • Atal'Dazar Toxic Saurid and Reanimated Honor Guard will be tough. Probably also avoid the left wing if you can.
  • In Black Rook Hold, it is the trash before the second boss that you should fear. Be ready to CC Knife Dance and Arrow Barrage, they do a LOT of damage.
  • Darkheart Thicket Frenzied Nightclaw, Rotheart Dryad and Tormented Bloodseeker are all murderous single-target machines, be careful. Do everything you can to convince your team to skip the double Festerhide Grizzly before the 1st boss. It is going to be incredibly hard to survive at low item level.
  • In Dawn of the Infinite, for both dungeons, the pain points should be similar. Be vigilant in the Timeways room in general, try to convince your group to approach them carefully. The dragons will all do tons of damage, be it Infinite Fury or Necrotic Outburst.
  • In the Everbloom, the Melded Berserker do an absurd amount of damage with their Bounding Whirl. The Trash packs before Archmage Sol will also be very dangerous.
  • In Throne of the Tides, be careful of the Naz'jar Sentinel and the Vicious Snap Dragon in the first part. The dragons (which look more like dogs) will absolutely murder your tank. If it is their first time there, they will pull large thinking "what can those dogs do", painfully die, and learn, that's all part of the process. The Sentinels cast Crushing Depths. I almost do not want to spoil it but I dare make a bet that you have never seen anything quite like this spell before! The last Gauntlet at the end will take some practice as well.
  • In Waycrest Manor, it is hard to say, there are lots of different packs in there, but the mini-bosses and the witches are very dangerous (Heartsbane Runeweaver, Heartsbane Soulcharmer)

Even though it is a Fortified week, as we will be at low item level, with week 1 tuning, some bosses should be pretty tough to handle. In my humble opinion, the hardest from a healer perspective might be the following:

  • Vol'kaal will be a pug killer as it has always been, with the requirements on the totems. Your concern is that people will tunnel on totems and forget to interrupt Noxious Stench.
  • Depending on tuning, Smashspite the Hateful might just murder your group over and over again. Similar situation for Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest P2.
  • I expect Manifested Timeways to be really really hard for us healers. It is similar to the second boss of Vortex. Mechanics are very precise, and the constant damage adds a lot of pressure on everyone.
  • Tyr, the Infinite Keeper will be quite something. Remember to pop your best cooldown on pull! Also practice your Infinity Orb this week if you are unsure, or Chrono-Lord Deios will be an absolute wall, this mechanic has to be handled perfectly.
  • Both the Ancient Protectors and Archmage Sol will be beasts in the first week. Interrupt Toxic Bloom at all costs!
  • Ozumat is both a tough healing and mechanic check. I think it might be the worst boss week 1. To be confirmed with final tuning.
  • The Heartsbane triad is by all accounts better than in BFA, but do expect a challenge still

There are other bosses that will be mechanically challenging, make sure to check out some video guides for them. I just want to add this diagram on how to handle the ice + arcane pull cast on Archmage Sol, which is how I feel it could be handled gracefully:


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